Direct FTP Access on the GlobColour archive

Direct FTP access to the whole GlobColour database of Global and Europe products is available to registered users at
Fill the registration form to obtain a login.

The FTP server also provides access to OSS2015 demonstration and third-party products.

The structure of the FTP archive is as follows:

(globcolour|OSS2015)/zone (GLOB|EURO)
    /sensor (merged|seawifs|meris|modis|viirsn|olcia|viirsj1|olcib)
        /binning period (day|8-day|month)

Each directory contains NetCDF4 products(L3b*.nc|L3m*.nc)and “quicklook” images (L3m*.png).

OSS2015 third-party products Primary Production and Phytoplankton Functional Types are available in the following directories respectively:

  • OSS2015/PP
  • OSS2015/PHYSAT