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The GlobColour data set provides a large set of Ocean Colour products:
  • Parameters: Chlorophyll concentration, Secchi Disk Depth, and many more…
  • Time coverage: from 1997 to present (Near Real Time + consolidated products)
  • Time resolution: daily, weekly and monthly products
  • Spatial Coverage and resolution: Global at 4, 25 and 100 km, Europe at 1 km, and user-defined extraction zones
  • Sensors: single sensor and merged products from SeaWiFS, MERIS, MODIS, VIIRS NPP, OLCI-A, VIIRS JPSS-1 and OLCI-B (OLCI-A/B and VIIRS JPSS-1 are not merged with other sensors for all parameters for the moment)

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Sensor types

Sensor Resolution Start Date End Date Reprocessing Version
SeaWiFS GAC 4km 1997-09-04 2010-12-11 NASA R2018.0 new
MERIS RR 1km 2002-04-28 2012-04-08 ESA 3rd reprocessing
MODIS AQUA 1km 2002-07-03 Present NASA R2018.0 new
VIIRS NPP 1km 2012-01-02 Present NASA R2018.0 new
OLCI-A RR 1km 2016-04-25 Present ESA PB 2.16 to 2.55
VIIRS JPSS-1 1km 2017-11-29 Present NASA R2018.0 new
OLCI-B RR 1km 2019-03-25 Present ESA PB 1.14 to 1.27 new

Demonstration products

The OSS2015 demonstration products further increase the range of available parameters:
  • Chlorophyll concentration: new Color Index Algorithm from Hu et al. (2012)
  • New bio-chemical products: Particle Organic Carbon, Particle Size Distribution…
  • Time coverage: monthly merged products from 1997 to 2014
  • Spatial Coverage and resolution: Global products at 25 km resolution, with user-defined extraction zones